Course Description & Goals

Units of Study

Overview of 7th Grade Social Studies Units of Study.

CCMS Seventh grade social studies integrates geography skills, inquiry skills, civil discourse, in the academic areas of civics, economics, history, and geography.


We will begin the year with a focus on civic inquiry, inquiry skills and digital literacy. When applicable, students will have the opportunity to vote in a mock election in early November. The state-mandated U.S. Declaration of Independence Test and U.S. Constitution will be taken in the latter part of the 1st half of the school year.


We further our studies into government when we come back from winter break. We study the levels of government in the U.S. and then the many different types of government used around the world. After learning about the basics of government, we look into basic geography and basic economics. We finish the year with personal finance where we look at ways to making and saving money.



Goals or Objectives

Inquiry * Civics * Geography * Economics * Government * Personal Finance