Señora Veronica (Ronnie) Aldridge » Señora Aldridge's Ayuda / Help

Señora Aldridge's Ayuda / Help

¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a español! / Welcome to Spanish! ¡Soy Señora Aldridge y yo enseño el idioma de español! / I am Mrs. Aldridge and I teach Spanish!  I teach 6th, 7th and 8th grades at Coal City Middle School! 
Español at CCMS is part of the quarterly, 9-week, Encore rotation for our students.

In this quarter-long class, our goal is to continue developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish through the use of learned vocabulary and grammatical concepts. We will also continue to develop an understanding and appreciation of Spanish/Latin American culture.


 Materials Needed

Charged Chromebooks!


Folder /Binder

Planner to record assignments/project/test dates



It is extremely important that all of my students join our Classroom Remind at the beginning of the quarter that you have Spanish, so that I can send you important announcements, as needed. If you are under the age of 13, you need to have your parent’s email or phone number, as they must also join so they will see all of our classroom announcements, as well. While I enjoy sending info to your parents, they are not my students, so I need for YOU, MY STUDENT, to join. It is so important that it is graded and as an incentive, you will earn Coaler Cash by doing so.  :)